Make Life Easier

A dynamic and smart project management product. It works as the ultimate AI based automated assistant for project managers, helping them make better decisions based on data analytics and real time task and resource management. Learn More! on the AplosPro website!
”I built TechProBox so that if I come across a good idea, I can see it come alive. Whether it is successful or not is a separate art for which we build businesses. Before all that, for me, it’s about creating amazing products.
Abdul Hannan AzizFounder, TechProBox

Ambition Beyond Sale

Experiment to Learn
We are always working with new ideas so we can move forward with new insights.
Innovate to Improve
We love looking at ideas and products from different perspectives to find better solutions.
Build to Facilitate
Our products focus to enable better performance, wider scope and higher results.
Empower to Grow
We identify gaps in different processes and create solutions that bridge them and empower industries to grow.
What’s new in our product lab?
This is where ideas come to life. We like to think of ourselves as a lab for why-didn’t-anyone-think-of-this-before kind of products. What everyone else sees as the top idea in the market, that’s what we pick up and build to a whole new level of awesome. That’s our USP; our undying urge to innovate.

Haven for the high performers
Culture at Techprobox is simple. We respect people for their ideas and skills. We love achievement over compliance. We prefer bean bags over office chairs.